To have Peace on the outside,
one must have Peace
on the inside;
and Peace on the inside
first requires
Mental Wellness
a global imperative
A 2018 Lancet Commission report (attribution) on mental health estimates that lack of mental wellness will cost the world $16 Trillion by 2030. COVID-19 and its related economic impacts are further exacerbating these rising global challenges. It can be argued that most of the current challenges facing humanity are derived of the lack of ‘Mental Wellness’ across humanity.
It is also clear that no human on the planet goes untouched by mental health issues, directly or within our immediate constellation of family, friends and associate.
In part this rapidly emerging challenge reflects the lack of mental health and wellness education across the world’s K-12 curriculum. It also reflects the numerous cultural and legal stigma associated with the soft science of healing our tender psyches and ever diverse formational childhood issues.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), 79.5 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide (attribution). The variety of conditions that have led to, and are a result of, this uprooting and displacement results in a wide range of long-lasting mental health problems and disorders that have significant negative individual and societal impacts.
These challenges are pertinent to refugees in both refugee camps, and far worse, detention centers, diminishing their potential to live a fulfilled and productive life, even in the best case, when relocated into new and safe societies.
Further, the overwhelming preponderance of these disorders, typically within overcrowded facilities, are contributing daunting challenges for the limited number of mental health professionals available to help these displaced populations as they await resettlement or asylum decisions.
We believe that a consistent experience of Mental Wellness is the optimal condition upon which, and by which, the displaced might be harmoniously accepted and integrated within, and contribute to, their new homes.
We also believe that Mental Wellness is a basic human right.
Accordingly, we came to this UN75 Global Governance Forum (attribution) activity in support of three strategic declarations with the inspiration to conjure at least one concrete solution we might design, finance and deploy to positively results on our target audience of refugees, migrants and the disenfranchised:
- First and foremost we support the UN75 Declaration’s strategic focus of: “The World that we want, and the UN that we need.” We are specifically aligned with its documented assertions:
“We will leave no one behind”
“We will promote peace and prevent conflicts”
- Secondly, we actively support the acceleration and global adoption of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly as they relate to supporting the UN’s “Human Rights” Pillar. Our project is explicitly focused on facilitating SDG 3.4 focus on “Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being.”
- Finally, we have come together in support of our shared belief that: “To have Peace on the outside, one must have Peace on the inside; and Peace on the inside first requires Mental Wellness.”
We are excited to contribute.

While identifying and prioritizing solutions the world’s greatest mental health-centric challenges, we chose to target “Mental Wellness”, which we view as a positively aspirational subset of the greater “Mental Health” field. Mental Wellness focuses on solutions for globally widespread mental health problems and disorders such as stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, Complex PTSD, and suicide.
We focus on these maladies versus the far less prevalent, yet far more severe, Mental Health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolarity and psychosis.
Our Global Mental Wellness Project brings together stakeholders and passionate experts recruited from across a wide range of complementary domains of mental health, psychotherapy, epidemiology, academic research, narrative therapy, family systems theory, mass and social media, global media and public relations, public-private partnerships, international project management, financing, activist communities, and empowerment-centric scaling technology.
Our initial mission is to create an initial application, plus a promotional campaign, that brings to the world’s refugee population not only awareness but proven and successful mental wellness methodologies, psychological healing, education, support for their personal and interpersonal resilience, and their meaningful economic and societal reintegration into their new homes.
Our first goal was to develop a first project which would augment existing stretched health care, governmental, and social services systems in their bid to bring “mental wellness” as we define it to their most needy and worthy clients. We envisioned a campaign that brings to the world’s refugee population not only awareness but proven and successful mental wellness methodologies, psychological healing, education, support for their personal and interpersonal resilience, and their meaningful economic and societal reintegration into their new homes.
We began brainstorming with several agencies in mind as possible pilot beneficiaries that are currently delivering refugee services.
Deploying Storytelling – The World’s Oldest Psychotherapeutic Practice
We made the decision to leverage the deployment of ‘narrative therapy’ as the foundation of a first application we could develop, finance and deploy, along with the necessary expertise, guidance, measurement, leadership, distribution and promotion required to optimize our chances for success.
This choice reflects the proven value of story-telling over the millennia as a form of education, a therapeutic solution, and a tool for discovering identity. Narrative therapy [attribution] is an effective approach for reducing the effects of trauma in refugees and preventing mental disorders. Furthermore, narrative therapy can be provided by trained laypersons or paraprofessionals and is applicable across cultures and settings.
Please follow this website for progress as we evolve this project.
Once proven as successful with pre/post data analysis we plan to aggressively expand upon and scale this first project across the refugee eco-system as it is welcomed.
Ultimately, we hope to bring a derivative of this first solution – and more mental wellness value – to all global populations as part of a global “Mental Wellness Moonshot”campaign.
If inspired by this thought, we invite you to reach out via our contact page, or see advisor-specific contact information below.
Our SDG-aligned Global Mental Wellness partnership brings together stakeholders professional mental health, psychotherapy, epidemiology, academic research, narrative therapy, family systems theory, mass and social media, refugee and diplomatic services, global media and public relations, public-private partnerships, international project management, financing, empowerment-centric scaling technology, and related activist communities to bring not only awareness but proven and successful mental wellness programs and education to people worldwide, with a primary focus on the world’s refugee population.
We have come together in support of our shared belief that:
“To have Peace on the outside, one must have Peace on the inside; and Peace on the inside first requires Mental Wellness.” – David C.Traub
Barry N. Perkins
Project Co-Founder, Co-Leader, Spokesperson, Press & Media Contact
David C. Traub
Project Co-Founder, Co-Leader, Spokesperson, Press & Media Contact
Salim Ismail
Best-selling author of Exponential Organizations
Dr. William D’Alelio
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Branka Agic
Director of Knowledge Exchange and Independent Scientist – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Dr. Manuel Carballo
Dr. Essam Daod
Psychiatrist, Mental Health Rights Advocate and Lecturer Mental Health Director & Co-Founder
Fr. Jairo Guidini
Executive Director of the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)
Martin Guigui
President of Sunset Pictures
Dr. PL de Silva
Co-founder of the International War-related Trauma & Humanitarian Intervention Trust (IWTHI Trust)
David Hofstatter
Active impact investor, and co-founder, advisor
Andrea Jacobs
Founder, Pythia International
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, Ph.D.
Psychologist, internationally renowned speaker
Dr. Azza Karam
Secretary General of Religions for Peace
Nick Kho
Entrepreneur, Business Development Expert, Public Speaker
Bob Okun
“The O Team”
Thomas Root
Founder, Brain Breaks
Dr. Shekhar Saxena
Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MSD)
Leslie Traub
Organizational culture development, executive women’s development, global cultural competence
And plenty of room for more. If you are interested in discussing strategic initiatives, partnerships, or other opportunities, please Contact us to start the dialog!